
Timeline for Life application serves for viewing, editing and sharing Google sheets and convert them into various visualization formats.

Check the Demo page and the Demo application

Login to timeline4.life by your Google account and start working with your Google sheets data on the Web, Mobile or Desktop.

View, edit and share

The Application timeline4.life offers a comfortable way for editing and viewing the source sheet including HTML support.

Go to the timeline4.life/login and sign-up with your Google account.
You should receive an email about your registration. Next time you will be just logged-in.

Click on the button Copy template. You should receive an email with the link to your copy of the Timeline template containing Cats and Dogs records. Rename it and edit the records as you wish.
Click on the Insert button. A new row will be created in your timelines menu.
  • Urlname: unique name of the timeline, mandatory
  • Sheetname: name of the sheet in the spreadsheet, mandatory
  • Sharing: (see the sharing chapter below), optional
  • Note: your note, optional
  • Sheet URL: paste the url of the Google sheet, mandatory
See the demo record as an example.
Click on the label of the new record. View the data.
Click on the Edit icon and update the data in the popup windows. Click on Update button. The page will get refreshed and you should see the changed data. You can check the Google sheet by clicking on Google sheet link in the menu.
You can filter and search data by:
  • filtering Category
  • searching headline by a substring
  • pick the flagged records (column flag is Y)
  • clear the filtering by x
You can order data by the radio button:
  • N - ordered as the original sheet
  • A - ascending by date_from
  • D - descending by date_from
If you want to see only a part of the timeline you can do it by using browser parameters e.g.:
You can share the data with specific email addresses or make them public by filling-in the sharing box.
Click on any headline: new page will open with the record detail. Click on Send Email: an email will be sent to your inbox containig the record data


Various conversions of the target sheet can be done by the Conversion configuration tool  timeline4life/convert
  • Check the examples by clicking on the Demo radio button
  • Click on the Help button and follow the instructions.
  • Push First row button for creating your first row in the configuration database.
  • Click on Templates in the Radio button
  • Click on Copy templates Icon  in the line for the chosen template
  • You will get an email with the link to the template copy which will also appear in your "Shared with me" folder
You can work with the copied templates temporarily; however it is recommended to make following changes:
  • Open the copied template
  • File/Make a copy, rename the sheet and accept the "Share with the same people"
  • Then open the new spreadsheet and remove the editor rights from medigital65@gmail.com
Some templates will require further changes. Follow the instructions for the particular template.